Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ENC Training Countdown - 2: The Baggage of Commitment

After a day of being prolonged due sickness, the countdown finally advances to 2 and the search for the last baggage has continued. As a result of the countdown and searching resumption, a little step for the navigation's commencement is manifested and another baggage has been discovered and that is, THE BAGGAGE OF COMMITMENT.

If the baggage of countdown 3 depicts a very distinctive image, the above mentioned baggage poses a very big challenge for me because as I inspected the baggage, it gave me a lot of critical inputs and one of them is challenge posed by COMMITMENT.

Specifically, the things flashed by the baggage were the company's expectations in terms of: (1) Performance and (2) Commitment to its mission, vision and goals and to the entity itself [which I guess the most critical thing is].

As I was contemplating with the depiction of the baggage, I soon realized that the challenge posed by Commitment is my sincerity, determination  and self-motivation to stay in organization  for a long run in order to help in acquiring its Vision, Mission and Goals that will maintain a good status quo in the competitive market.

However, its undeniably true that the business environment nowadays is full of very attractive CAREER OPPORTUNITIES which may possibly induce me to leave the organization. Thus, with presence of such attractive opportunity my commitment to the organization is being tested. So help me God!


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