Countdown 4, indicates three more days left for the ENC Training Navigation and thus, I must be able to find the three important baggages within a day in order to complete the things that I needed for the training. Anyhow, I found one.. The BAGGAGE OF CONFIDENCE!
Acquiring the Baggage of Confidence is never easy. It takes two to tango to establish a confident mindset that will enable you to do good in the serious navigation.
As I acquire the previously mentioned baggage, I inspected it and I was able to see that it contained the ACHIEVEMENTS, PAST REWARDS, SUCCESSFUL MOMENTS and EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCES that I had in my life.
Now you might be thinking what does those contents tell me.. The contents mentioned above are obviously reminding me about the things that have built my confidence through the years in succeeding the obstacles posed by both the miserable and unforgettable past.
Hence, by inspecting the Baggage of Confidence, I was able to realize that I have nothing to be ashamed of because I have achieved and experienced a lot of things and thus, it goes to show that I am [somehow] ready to face challenges that are already waiting in the navigation.
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YES, I HAVE IT! (^_~)
[ I guess? Haha!]
Yes you really really really have it!